Vision The Kingdom Life Church Ministries is a focused on empowering a nation with the love of Christ to advance the Kingdom of God.
Mission: To win the lost, reclaim those who have fallen away and perfect the believer for Kingdom Living.
Spiritual - We promote a mentality that is built on the Word of God. Our primary goal as believers is to be spiritually minded in order to please God. This secures that we are one with God. (Romans 8:6-7)
Social - Understanding that relationship are the vehicle that transport us from one destination to the next, we give our attention to fostering healthy relationships in ALL areas of life. ( Family, civic, educational, employment, financial, etc...) Hebrew 10:24 TLB
Service - We believe that the true essence of living the kingdom life is based on serving others. Our mission is not to be served but rather to serve. (Matthew 20:28)